Czech Social Awards

„Perfect in every way. I was very satisfied, in terms of voting, it was the best year of the Awards."

Michaela Derynkova, Founder of Social Awards

Czech Social Awards

in numbers


Award categories

20 029


72 630

casted votes


Almost everyone on the Czech influencer scene knows the Czech Social Awards. Celebrities are nominated for the poll by the fans themselves, who then vote for the winners online. Over 20,000 fans voted in 2022 on the Decision 21 platform in less than 2 weeks.

The presentation on the website and social networks was tuned to simple white and blue graphics. The design of the voting was adapted to this, so that the transition between the website and the voting platform was smooth and unobtrusive for the user. The platform ran on the subdomain, so it looked like an integral part of the website.

Czech Social Awards Web

Each user could participate in the vote after logging in through one of the following accounts: Facebook, Twitter, or Google. Verification via social networks was chosen as the theme of the award. Voting was possible in a total of 5 categories: Fun & Entertainment, Inspiration & Influence, Social Impact & Change, Business and Rising Star, while one login allowed voting in all categories in turn. There were three nominees in each category, only in the Rising Star category there were five candidates to choose from. You could vote for your favorite in each category.

Voting took place between May 26 and June 5, 2022. The winners were announced at a gala evening in Prague's Žofín and later published on the website. Statistics and detailed results are also available on the results page of the Decision 21 platform, which, like the voting itself, is integrated into the organizator's graphics.

Voting results

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