Participatory budgeting is an innovative way of managing public finances. The City Hall allocates a portion of the public budget for projects that the citizens initiate. Local people know best what needs to be improved in their neighborhood. They vote on the projects together and the city implements the winning ones.
Get a tool to effectively participate in the transformation of their surroundings for the better. Thanks to it they'll understand how the city management works.
Gets to know the needs and problems of its citizens and improves its relations with the public. Locals become valuable partners who help to look at the city's problems from different perspectives.
Participation helps to build a harmonious coexistence of all actors in the city. It develops neighborly relations and increases interest in local events.
„Participation increases citizens' interest in the development of the city.“
Vladimir Koren, former Mayor of City Ricany, Czech Republic
Sociálně-ekonomická analýza města
Mapování institucí ve městě
Skupinový výzkum mezi občany
Validační průzkum a sběr dat
Analýza získaných dat
Konečný report vč. doporučení
The municipality allocates an amount from the public budget and citizens themselves decide how to use it. It is up to the Town Hall whether to involve only residents with permanent residence, or also fellow citizens who work, study and spend their free time in the place. People propose projects through the online platform and then vote on them. The Town Hall implements the winning ones. Participation has clearly defined rules in advance, according to which the Office assesses the feasibility of projects. One year of participatory budgeting is divided into several phases (from the initial information campaign to the announcement of the results) and lasts approximately 9 months. For maximum effect, the participatory budgeting should be repeated in the following years.
We derive the price from the complexity of the project, the specifics and requirements of a particular municipality. It is affected by its size (i.e. the number of inhabitants), the nature of the solution (e.g. one-time project or annual license) and the scope of additional services (e.g. detailed data analysis, above-standard consultations).
We’ll help you with the questionnaires and setting the project rules.
We’ll advise you on the information campaign so as many people as possible are involved in the project.
We’ll give you comprehensible results after the project ends.
We’ll prepare a solution that fits your needs. According to your requirements, experience and number of inhabitants, we’ll propose an optimal procedure.